“The Silent Hour” is a Boston-set feature film that has chosen Malta as its home for 95% of its production. This production will generate over €9.7 million into the economy.
The film will shoot in Malta for 37 days, and will feature renowned actors Joel Kinnaman (Suicide Squad) and Mark Strong (Kingsman: The Secret Service).
Malta Film Commissioner Johann Grech remarked how the Malta Film Commission’s plan is working.
“We are so proud to see new faces joining the film industry following our first intake from the training courses that the Malta Film Commission is currently offering.” Grech said. He added, “We are determined to continue investing heavily into the growth of our local workforce and attracting more productions towards the Maltese Islands.”
“This production is another proof that our country is experiencing a steady and strong filming industry. Our aim is to further strengthen this vibrant sector by creating more job opportunities for all those who want to make this industry their main career.” remarked Minister for Tourism Clayton Bartolo.
Producer Eric Paquette commended the Malta Film Commission’s efforts in attracting productions to Malta and to ensure a smooth and professional film-making experience throughout. Last week, Mr. Paquette also participated in panel discussions at the University of Malta and MCAST, alongside local service provider Joshua Cassar Gaspar and Malta Film Commissioner. This production is filming across 8 different locations around Malta and is employing 117 crew, out of which 90 are locals.