Game of Thrones

Nine noble families fight for control over the mythical lands of Westeros, while an ancient enemy returns after being dormant for thousands of years. Game of Thrones,” the iconic HBO series, left an indelible mark on Malta, transforming its historic and scenic locations into the fantastical world of Westeros. Fans can explore the Mdina Gate, which doubled as King’s Landing’s entrance, or the picturesque streets of Birgu, among other sites. From the dramatic Fort Ricasoli to the serene San Anton Palace gardens, Malta’s diverse landscapes offered the perfect backdrop for the series’ intrigue and beauty. A tour around these sites offers fans a unique way to step into the realm of their favorite characters and relive the magic of the show’s early episodes.

David Benioff, D.B Weiss

Emilia Clarke, Peter Dinklage, Kit Harington

Released Date
January 15, 2024
Production Company
Home Box Office (HBO)

Filming Locations



Fort Manoel


A modern theme for the film industry & video production
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