“The Madame Blanc Mysteries” weaves a tale of intrigue and charm set against the backdrop of the fictitious French village of Sainte Victoire. However, the magic of television brings this French village to life through the sun-soaked islands of Malta and Gozo. The series, known for its blend of mystery and drama, showcases the story of an antiques dealer who unravels a web of secrets and crimes, all while the picturesque Maltese landscapes serve as a stunning cinematic canvas.
Malta’s diverse architecture and scenic beauty double convincingly for the South of France, with historic streets, grand edifices, and the azure Mediterranean setting playing a key role in the storytelling. From the charming alleys of Valletta to the rugged terrains of Gozo, Malta provides a perfect stand-in for the show’s setting, adding an authentic feel to the gripping narrative and contributing significantly to the visual allure that has captivated audiences.
American University of Malta, Mosta Church, Red Tower, Marsaxlokk, Birgu, Rabat, Valletta, Marsa, Floriana